Everybody has them but nobody wants them. These tears releases various emotions showing our hearts yearning for our loved ones to come back. Our skies turns blue as we reminisce taking that drive down memory lane. Those memories flashes like lightning in our minds and our hearts are filled with hidden gems of precious memories with our loved ones. Tears may fall, a smile may crack that frown and a cry may turn into heavy laughter sparking up conversations with our friends/family who are still with us saying "Do you remember when..."
Of course, we don't want to forget our loved ones. We wanted them to live forever to see us grow, walk down the aisle and see our children grow. As the old saying goes, "good things comes to an end." That's why it's important for us to pay attention to their teachings, lectures and advice because we'll never know when they'll take their last breath. But whenever that obstacle(s) do come our the appearance of our loved ones in our minds and their voices secretly reminds us the best way to maneuver out of those situations.
So remember we all have these holiday tears and it's ok for them to fall. I personally believe our loved ones hear our tears fall and in return they'll send a message back through various forms i.e. music, a gentle breeze, their perfume/cologne, or a smile you can feel to remind us they're a heartbeat away.
We hope this message helps you through this season. We love you and we want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, happy holidays, seasons greetings and all of that good stuff.
The Young's Dynasty
